Roasting profiles for Aillio Bullet R1 V2
Below you will find some profiles that our friends, die Kaffeemacher from Basel, have developed specifically for the Aillio Bullet R1 V2. You can start with these profiles and then develop them further according to your taste and for your coffee.
Aillio Bullet R1 V2 is a state-of-the-art 1kg drum roaster. The machine is powerful yet very compact. The induction heating allows for very fine adjustments, making very precise roasting profiles possible. In the Aillio Bullet, the temperature is measured by the innovative IBTS (Infrared Bean Temperature Sensor) as well as by a classic bean temperature probe. The two temperatures differ significantly, so you should always pay attention to which of the two temperatures you are looking at. The drum speed, fan and heating element can be adjusted separately in 10 steps each.
Roasting profiles for different bean types
Aillio Bullet filter coffee profile «balanced»
- Preparation methods: Filter (e.g. V60, Chemex), Aeropress or Cold Brew
- Taste: Balanced and mild with a slight complexity / acidity
- Coffee beans: Organic Ethiopia Sidamo, Washed Yirgacheffe, Organic Ethiopia natural Yirgacheffe, Indonesia Sumatra Lintong
Temp. IBTS | Temp. BT | Power | Fan | Drum |
Start | Start | P9 | F3 | D9 |
177°C | 160°C | P9 | F4 | D9 |
185°C | 170°C | P5 | F4 | D9 |
199°C | 190°C | P3 | F6 | D9 |
205°C | 200°C | P1 | F8 | D9 |
- Amount of beans: 600g
- Preheating temperature: 280°C IBTS
- End of roast: we recommend 208°C IBTS, 205°C BT
- Roast Develompent %: (time first crack to finish / total time): 11%
Aillio Bullet Filter Coffee Profile «third wave»
- Preparation methods: Filter (e.g. V60, Chemex), Aeropress or Cold Brew
- Taste: pronounced acidity and complexity, sweet and fruity
- Coffee beans: Colombia Maragogype, Organic Ethiopia natural Yirgacheffe, Kenia washed SL-28, Guatemala anaerobic honey
Temp. IBTS | Temp. BT | Power | Fan | Drum |
Start | Start | P9 | F3 | D9 |
177°C | 160°C | P9 | F4 | D9 |
183°C | 167°C | P5 | F4 | D9 |
198°C | 190°C | P3 | F6 | D9 |
202°C | 195°C | P1 | F6 | D9 |
205°C | 200°C | P1 | F8 | D9 |
- Amount of beans: 600g
- Preheating temperature: 280°C IBTS
- End of roast: we recommend 206°C IBTS, 203°C BT
- Roast Develompent %: (time first crack to finish / total time): 9%
Aillio Bullet Espresso Profile «classic dark»
- Preparation methods: Espresso, Bialetti, Cappuccino, Flat White
- Taste: Round, balanced, light sweetness, hardly any acidity, light roasted aromas
- Coffee beans: Brazil Catuai & Bourbon Santos, Organic Brazil natural Santos
Temp. IBTS | Temp. BT | Power | Fan | Drum |
Start | Start | P7 | F2 | D9 |
97°C | 92°C | P8 | F2 | D9 |
173°C | 155°C | P7 | F2 | D9 |
200°C | 185°C | P5 | F4 | D9 |
208°C | 195°C | P4 | F4 | D9 |
215°C | 204°C | P3 | F4 | D9 |
- Amount of beans: 600g
- Preheating temperature: 280°C IBTS
- End of roast: we recommend 218°C IBTS, 209°C BT
- Roast Develompent %: (time first crack to finish / total time): 23%
Aillio Bullet Espresso Profile «sweet»
- Preparation methods: Espresso, café crème, fully automatic, French press, cappuccino, flat white
- Taste: Full-bodied, balanced, pronounced sweetness, slight acidity
- Coffee beans: Brazil Catuai & Bourbon Santos, Organic Brazil natural Santos, Organic Brazil Red Iapar
Temp. IBTS | Temp. BT | Power | Fan | Drum |
Start | Start | P9 | F3 | D9 |
165°C | 160°C | P9 | F4 | D9 |
183°C | 180°C | P7 | F4 | D9 |
200°C | 201°C | P5 | F5 | D9 |
- Amount of beans: 1kg
- Preheating temperature: 300°C IBTS
- End of roast: we recommend 217°C IBTS, 211°C BT
- Roast Develompent %: (time first crack to finish / total time): 17%
Aillio Bullet Café Crème Profile «balanced»
- Preparation methods: Café Crème, fully automatic, French Press, Cappuccino.
- Taste: Full-bodied, balanced, pronounced sweetness, slight acidity
- Coffee beans: Organic Brazil Red Iapar, Organic Peru Cajamarca, Mexico Chiapas SHG
Temp. IBTS | Temp. BT | Power | Fan | Drum |
Start | Start | P9 | F3 | D9 |
162°C | 152°C | P9 | F4 | D9 |
199°C | 199°C | P7 | F5 | D9 |
205°C | 207°C | P7 | F6 | D9 |
208°C | 212°C | P5 | F6 | D9 |
- Amount of beans: 1kg
- Preheating temperature: 300°C IBTS
- End of roast: we recommend 214°C IBTS, 220°C BT
- Roast Develompent %: (time first crack to finish / total time): 19%
Aillio Bullet Profile «versatile»
- Preparation methods: Café Crème, filter (e.g. V60), French Press, Aeropress, Bialetti
- Taste: Mild and balanced yet with some complexity, slight sweetness, slight acidity
- Coffee beans: Organic Guatemala Delicia SHB, Organic Honduras Copán, Organic Ethiopia Sidamo
Temp. IBTS | Temp. BT | Power | Fan | Drum |
Start | Start | P9 | F3 | D9 |
173°C | 160°C | P9 | F4 | D9 |
200°C | 193°C | P3 | F4 | D9 |
204°C | 206°C | P3 | F5 | D9 |
- Amount of beans: 900g
- Preheating temperature: 300°C IBTS
- End of roast: we recommend 207°C IBTS, 210°C BT
- Roast Develompent %: (time first crack to finish / total time): 17%
Aillio Bullet Robusta / Canephora Profile
- Preparation methods: Espresso, Café Crème, Bialetti
- Taste: Full-bodied, no acidity, light sweetness, nutty
- Coffee beans: Organic Tanzania Robusta, India Robusta Kaapi Royale
Temp. IBTS | Temp. BT | Power | Fan | Drum |
Start | Start | P9 | F3 | D9 |
158°C | 140°C | P9 | F4 | D9 |
184°C | 170°C | P8 | F4 | D9 |
193°C | 183°C | P7 | F4 | D9 |
198°C | 190°C | P6 | F4 | D9 |
203°C | 197°C | P4 | F6 | D9 |
210°C | 208°C | P2 | F8 | D9 |
- Amount of beans: 600g
- Preheating temperature: 280°C IBTS
- End of roast: we recommend 217°C IBTS, 220°C BT
- Roast Develompent %: (time first crack to finish / total time): 21%
Aillio Bullet Monsooned Malabar Profile
- Preparation methods: Espresso, Café Crème, Bialetti.
- Taste: Full-bodied, low acidity, slight sweetness
- Coffee beans: India Monsooned Malabar, Organic India Monsooned Malabar AA
Temp. IBTS | Temp. BT | Power | Fan | Drum |
Start | Start | P9 | F2 | D9 |
116°C | 107°C | P9 | F3 | D9 |
136°C | 128°C | P8 | F3 | D9 |
154°C | 150°C | P7 | F3 | D9 |
172°C | 170°C | P5 | F4 | D9 |
190°C | 195°C | P3 | F6 | D9 |
- Amount of beans: 800g
- Preheating temperature: 270°C IBTS
- End of roast: we recommend 206°C IBTS, 216°C BT
- Roast Develompent %: (time first crack to finish / total time): 23%